Partner 12 – Bodemkundige Dienst van België

Bodemkundige Dienst van België, W. de Croylaan 48, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium, Tel: +32 16 31 09 22, Fax: +32 16 22 42 06


Bodemkundige Dienst van België vzw

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Profile The Bodemkundige Dienst van België (BDB), the first spin-off of KU Leuven, is an independent research and advisory institute for agriculture, horticulture and the environment. BDB is mainly active in soil and water research, fertilisation advice, irrigation management and environmental incidence studies, in both Belgium and France.
BDB can rely on a long-established and broad expertise, acquired in the field of soil fertility, soil quality, soil and water management and fertilisation advice in both agriculture and horticulture. Since the foundation of BDB in 1946, fertilisation research has been carried out empirically as well as through theoretical models. BDB is able to put its research into practice by converting research data into practical advices for agriculturists, horticulturists and other users. Besides applied research BDB is an active player in policy formulation for regional, federal and European authorities, mainly in the agricultural and environmental field. 
Institute website 
Role in the project Study Site 1 coordinator
Name Contact details Qualifications Photo
Dr. Annemie Elsen  Tel: +32 16 31 09 22

Coordination of research projects, soil fertility, nutrient management, agronomy, soil quality, organic matter, water quality 


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Ir. Mia Tits  Tel: +32 16 31 09 22

Soil fertility, nutrient management, agronomy, soil quality, organic matter, soil-water modeling, water quality 


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Prof. Hilde Vandendriessche  Tel: +32 16 31 09 22

Soil fertility, nutrient management, agronomy, decision support systems, coordination of research projects 


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