Partner 14 – Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust - Allerton Project

GWCT Allerton Project, Loddington House, Loddington, Leics., LE7 9XE, UK


Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust - Allerton Project

GWCT Logo small

Profile The GWCT is a 333ha research and demonstration farm at Loddington, central England. Established in 1992, the Allerton Project carries out research into a wide range of agri-environmental issues at a range of scales from experimental plot to landscape, and is actively involved in the development of practical management options. This is achieved through collaborations between the small research team at Loddington and a range of other research organizations. The project runs its own farm business, ensuring a practical context for research, and has an active programme of dissemination activities for farmers, land owners, advisors, regulators, and policy makers. The eco-build visitor centre is also used by the local community, and local farmer networks are a key element of knowledge exchange activities.
Institute website
Role in the project Study Site 6 coordinator
Name Contact details Qualifications Photo
Prof. Chris Stoate Tel: +44 116 2597609

Agri-environmental researcher - inter-disciplinary research and knowledge exchange. 


Jenny Bussell
