Partner 21 – Wageningen University

Wageningen University, Soil Physics and Land Management Group, P.O. Box 47, Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708 PB Wageningen, Netherlands


Wageningen University

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Profile Wageningen University (WU) is a leading university in Life Sciences focusing on agricultural and environmental education and research and is, according to the NTU Agriculture Ranking 2013, ranked the number one university in agricultural sciences in the world. The Soil Physics and Land Management (SLM) Group of WU focuses on: i) flow and transport processes in soil systems and surrounding water bodies, ii) interactions between soil, water and plants, and iii) land use and management with regard to ecosystem degradation, and the design and economic impact assessment of technologies for soil and water conservation and restoration. The SLM group has long-term experience in areas affected by soil and water degradation in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe. SLM coordinated and participated in a range of EU-funded projects focusing on soil, water and agricultural land management, including EROAHI, WEELS, WAHIA, AWACAD, OLIVERO, DESIRE, WAHARA, CASCADE, RECARE and iSQAPER.
Institute website
Role in the project Project partner
Name Contact details Qualifications Photo
Prof. Coen Ritsema Tel: +31 317 486517

Coordinating large inter-national research projects; soil physicist and hydrologist, fundamental and applied research related to droughts, water scarcity, degradation and desertification


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Prof. Violette Geissen Tel: +31 317 485144

Soil sciences and agronomy in temperate and tropical climatic zones, pesticides, pollution in cropping systems


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Dr. Luuk Fleskens Tel: +31 317 485467

Interdisciplinary land use science; model-based integrated, spatially-explicit assessments of land management on soil quality and farm viability


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