Partner 23 – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Dept of Soil and Environment, SLU, P.O. Box 7014, Lennart Hjelms väg 9, SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden, Fax: +46 18 67 31 56


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

SLU Small 

Profile SLU´s main campus is Ultuna, six kilometres south of Uppsala. The faculties of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, and of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science are also located at Campus Ultuna. Many of SLU's degree programmes are given here.
The research at the Department of Soil and Environment seeks knowledge about the interaction between man, soil, plant and the surrounding environment in forest and agricultural landscapes as well as urban environments. Collaboration and continuous dialogue with stakeholders and the public is the foundation for our research. Therefore, we work closely with the agricultural and forestry sectors, extension services and authorities. We deliver quality-assured data from environmental monitoring. The data is collected through the national and regional environmental monitoring programs for agricultural land. At the department, different field trials are conducted as a part of the applied research. Most of them are located at our field stations Lanna and Ekhaga. The department also performs a variety of analyses of soil samples, water samples and various plant materials.
Institute website
Role in the project Study Site 13 coordinator
Name Contact details Qualifications Photo
Assoc. prof. Dr. Gunnar Börjesson Tel: +46 18 67 27 53

Agronomist, PhD in soil microbiology, focus on microbial turnover of plant nutrients, administers the national long-term field experiments with plant nutrition in agriculture.

For more information click HERE

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Dr. Martin A. Bolinder Tel: +46 18 67 23 52

Scientist, PhD in soil and environment, focus on soil organic matter dynamics in agro-ecosystems in relation to net primary productivity, reports national quantitative changes in soil organic carbon for agricultural soils.


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Prof. Holger Kirchmann Tel: +46 18 67 22 92

Chemist and biologist, PhD in plant nutrition. Turnover of nutrients recycled through wastes; micronutrients and trace metals, intensification of crop production through improved nutrient management


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Prof. Thomas Kätterer Tel: +46 18 67 24 25

Agronomist, PhD in ecology and environmental sciences, research focus on carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and dynamic ecosystem process modelling.

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