Partner 25 – Crop Research Institute 

Crop Research Institute, Drnovská 507, Prague 6, Post code: 161 06, Czech Republic, Tel: +420 233311661, Fax: +420 233311591


Crop Research Institute (VÚRV)

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Profile The Crop Research Institute (CRI) is the leading public research institute devoted to crop production research in the Czech Republic. The CRI is the leading institution in the Czech Republic in the field of crop nutrition and nutrient dynamics in agroecosystems. Amongst others, the CRI runs long-term experiments to study changes in soil fertility and soil properties, examining the effects of inorganic and organic fertilisers and crop rotation on the nutrition and yield of a number of crops, changes in weed communities and soil fertility.
The Institute is active in getting involved in bilateral, international and European projects. The CRI has been involved in two FP5 projects, one FP6 projects, five FP7 projects in the position of partner organisation, one ERA-NET project, and a good number of mobility projects. Since 2013 CRI is a coordinator of its first FP7 project with 16 partners involved.
Institute website
Role in the project Study Site 14 coordinator
Name Contact details Qualifications Photo
Dr. Pavel Čermák Tel: +420 233022499
+420 737267150

Interested in soil fertility, plant nutrition, nutrients balance in environment, fertilisers & fertilisation, soil testing, field & pot experiments. Coordinating large national & international research projects.

PavelCermak Small 
Ing. Helena Kusá, Ph.D. Tel: + 420 233 022 266
+ 420 702 087 695

Soil fertility, soil treatment, nutrient management, fertilizers efficiency (15N, inhibitors), agronomy, emissions of nitrogen and greenhouse gases, coordination of research projects

Ing. Eva Kunzová Tel: +420 702 087 776

Field monitoring, soil fertility, nutrient balance management, agronomy, nutrient losses to environment, coordination of research projects.

Ing. Pavel Růžek  Tel: + 420 233 022 220
+ 420 605 233 484

Soil fertility & technology, field experiments, agronomy, fertilizers efficiency (inhibitors, application technique), emissions of nitrogen and greenhouse gases, coordination of research projects

ing. Ladislav Menšík, Ph.D. Tel: + 420 607 060 309

Field monitoring, soil scientist, nutrient management, SOM management, coordination of research projects.