The SoilCare Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) has been developed to assess the impact of soil-improving cropping practices on current and future profitability and sustainability by testing these practices against different scenarios. The model can be used to assess the impacts under various climatic and socio-economic conditions up until 2050.

SoilCare IAM


The SoilCare IAM consists of coupled models integrated into a policy support system. The model allows users to:

  • Understand the impact of climate change and socio-economic developments on the future evolution of land use, management practices, vegetation and soil conditions.
  • Intervene in the system and assess the impact of policy, (spatial) planning and management options on profitability and sustainability indicators.

.The model works across Europe and includes 4 spatial levels:

  • Europe
  • Individual countries
  • NUTS-2 regions
  • Local level (100-500m resolution)

The socio-economic components of the model operate at a yearly temporal resolution, while the hydrology and vegetation components operate on a monthly resolution. The time horizon is 2050.

Using information on the cost of the practice, the yield, and the crop price, the IAM makes a cost-benefit assessment at the local level.

If you are interested in using the model in your research and would like access to the model, please contact Hedwig van Delden This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.