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N, nitrogen

NH4 N x 1,29 = NH4; NO3 N x 4.43 = NO3

Natural capital

Refers to both the living (e.g. fish stocks, forests) and non-living (e.g. minerals, energy resources) aspects of nature which produce value to people, both directly and indirectly. It is this capital that underpins all other capital in our economy and society. Natural capital can often be confused with ecosystem services. However, whilst similar concepts, they are fundamentally different. Natural capital refers to the actual stock (living and non-living parts) that provides value whereas ecosystem services refer to the flow of benefits that this stock provides. Essentially, natural capital is about nature

Natural water retention measure

Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM) are multi-functional measures that aim to protect and manage water resources and address water-related challenges by restoring or maintaining ecosystems as well as natural features and characteristics of water bodies using natural means and processes. Their main focus is to enhance, as well as preserve, the water retention capacity of aquifers, soil, and ecosystems with a view to improving their status. (


Tiny, usually microscopic, unsegmented worms. Some are parasites of animals or plants. Most live free in the soil.


This is a specific feature of LANDMARK deliverables from WP3 (i.e. the harmonization of proxy indicator systems among different spatial and temporal scales). One of the means to realize this is to collect indicators, and/or proxies, which have overlap for use at different spatial/temporal scales. For instance, land use as proxy should be useful for the EU/national and at the regional scale, while crop rotation should be useful for the regional and farm scale.


A process accomplished by a few groups of aerobic organisms in which ammonia is converted to nitrite and then nitrate.

Nurse crop

Main crop under which an undersowing is established which accompanies the main crop during at least a part of its growing season.

Nutrient cycling

The capacity of a soil to receive nutrients in the form of by-products, to provide nutrients from intrinsic resources or to support the acquisition of nutrients from air or water, and to effectively carry over these nutrients into harvested crops.

Nutrient management

The way in which nutrient availability and/or the way nutrient cycling (in terms of soil processes) is regulated.

Nutrient recovery

Fraction of plant-available nutrients from fertilizers and manures taken up by the crop in harvestable fraction(s) and above ground residues, usually excluding roots and stubbles.

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