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Fluvioglacial deposits

Material moved from the margins of glaciers and subsequently sorted and deposited by streams flowing from the melting ice.

Food web, soil

The interconnected community of organisms living all or part of their lives in the soil.


A service, role, or task that meets objectives for sustaining life and fulfilling humanity

Functional capacity

The quantified or estimated measure of physical and biophysical mechanisms or processes selected to represent the soil

Functional land management

A conceptual framework for optimising the supply of soil-based ecosystem services, grouped together in five overarching soil functions, to the demands at a range of spatial scales, with a view to simultaneously meeting agronomic and environmental policy objectives (Schulte et al., 2014; O

Functional redundancy

The presence of several species that serve similar functions (e.g. nitrification).

Fungal-dominated food web

A soil food web in which the ratio of fungal biomass to bacterial biomass is greater than one.


Multi-celled, non-photosynthetic organisms that are neither plants nor animals. Fungal cells form long chains called hyphae and may form fruiting bodies such as mold or mushrooms to disperse spores. Some fungi such as yeast are single-celled.


Organisms that eat fungi.


A species that will eat or prey on a wide variety of food resources. (See specialist)

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