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Soil Physics

Soil physics is the soil discipline regarding the physical properties of and processes in the soil. Special attention is given to water movement, nutrient transport, heat conduction, gas transport, and root uptake. In addition, soil strength, soil mechanics, soil compaction, root penetrability, carrying capacity, swelling and shrinking, macropores etc. are studied as well.

Soil pollution

See Soil contamination.

Soil properties

Chemical, physical, or biological characteristics of soil which can indicate its level of function of ecosystem services. Properties can be dynamic or inherent characteristics. Also see soil quality indicator.

Soil quality

The degree to which a soil can perform its soil functions

Soil quality indicator

A chemical, physical or biological property of soil that is sensitive to disturbance and represents performance of ecosystem function in that soil of interest. These are dynamic soil properties.

Soil resilience

The capacity of a soil to recover its functional capacity after a disturbance.

Soil resistance

The capacity of the soil to maintain its functional capacity through a disturbance.

Soil respiration

The amount of carbon dioxide given off by living organisms and roots in the soil.

Soil respiration, basal

The level of carbon dioxide given off by a soil sample. Basal respiration is a measure of the total biological activity of microorganisms, macroorganisms, and roots.

Soil respiration, substrate-induced

A measure of the carbon dioxide given off by a soil sample after adding sugar or other food. It is used to estimate microbial biomass in the sample.

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