Study Site Trials
The SICS selected for trialling in this Study Site are described below:
General Treatment Category | Study Site Trials |
Tillage |
1. Tillage experiments - Deep ploughing (30cm); Subsoiling (50 cm); Non-inversion till; 2 disk ploughing |
Study Site poster 2018; Study Site poster 2019 (download)
SICS 1:- Tillge experiments |
Key findings
Geographical description
Location: The study site is located in the arable land of Draganesti Vlasca commune. Draganesti Vlasca is located within Burnas Plain in the eastern part of Teleorman county. (photos below).
Location of Draganesti Vlasca Study Site |
Size Three villages are part of the commune: Draganesti Vlasca, Comoara and Vaceni. Draganesti Vlasca has an territorial administrative area of 10324 ha. The commune has 4852 citizens.
Elevation The territory of Draganesti Vlasca is covered by a plain with an altitude ranging between 85-95 m. The plain is fragmented by different valleys (Valea Alba, Valea Comoarei, Valea Valcenilor, Valea Hotoaicii and Valea Dumitranii), which are seasonally flooded.
Climate In the study area the climate is temperate continental. The yearly average air temperature is 10,6°C, the values ranging between – 3,5°C in January and 22,7°C in July, meaning that the winters are mild and the summers are cool. The droughty periods are in August and October continuing even into November, affecting negatively the autumn crops.
Soils The dominant soil in Draganesti Vlasca is phaeozem in different degradation stages, having a low fertility and in some areas at risk of erosion.
Geology In the upper part, there is a reddish brown silty clay layer, which stands on a loess layer of 7-8 m thickness.
Hydrology There are three rivers passing the commune: Calnistea, Valea Alba and Suhat. The total area of surface water bodies is 246 ha. The ground table level ranges between 1 – 4 m in the flood plain area and between 20 – 30 m in the plain area.
Land use types: The main agricultural activities practised in the area are related to crop and livestock production. The areas under different land use types are the following: arable – 8220 ha, pastures – 163 ha, forest – 1184 ha, vineyards – 97 ha, orchards – 5 ha, surface water bodies – 246 ha.
Pedo-climatic zone
The study area is located in Panonnian pedo-climatic zone. The area is covered by a Phaeozem.
Cropping systems
Cropping intensity
Conventional and conservation agricultural systems are mainly used in the study area.
Impressions of the Study Site |
Types of crop
The common crop rotation used in the study area is: wheat, maize, sunflower.